A variety of courses at the folk high schools
There are many courses to choose from at the folk high schools. Short courses a few days or weeks long, and long courses that can last from one semester up to several years.
All folk high schools give a general course, called Allmän kurs in Swedish. That course is an option for those who have an uncomplete secondary education or for those who want to go on to further education.
The course content covers a broad spectra of subjects, with social studies, language and science as the main fields. In addition to the general subjects the student may also choose an optional special course such as computing, music, sport, art and design etc.
The majority of the folk high shools also offer a wide range of special courses (profilkurser). Among such courses one can mention the aestethic courses (art & design, painting, weaving etc), music, journalism and studies concerning the developing countries. Some schools provide vocational training for various leader categories, e.g. youth- and recreational leaders and drama leaders.
The variety of short courses, mostly during the summer, is also large – music, art & design and creative writing are just a few examples. The courses can be altered from year to year, often in cooperation with various popular movements and organisations.