Monika Nordenbrand arbetade som sjuksköterska inom barnsjukvården i 25 år. Men efter att ha blivit sjuk i utmattning och sagt upp sig från sitt arbete, bytte hon sjukhuskorridorerna mot fjällvyer, friluftsliv och folkhögskola.
Om utbildningen
Utbildningen fokuserar på att skapa professionella fiskeguider med kunskaper om olika typer av fiskemetoder. Du kommer också lära dig mer om matlagning ute i naturen. De moderna fiskeguiderna behöver fiska hållbart. Därför ingår fiskbiologi – och förvaltningskurs. Entreprenörskap är också en viktig del av en fiskeguides möjligheter till framgång, så entreprenörskap kommer vara som en röd tråd genom hela utbildningen. Med andra ord – när du är klar med utbildningen är du redo att påbörja din egen guidekarriär!
- Olika fiskemetoder
- Matlagning i naturen
- Att driva guideföretag
- Marknadsföring
- Säkerhet och räddning i vatten
- Konversation på engelska
- Turistkunskap
- Att jobba som guide
- Fiskbiologi
About the education
The program focuses on creating professional guides with in-depth knowledge of different type of sportfishing methods. You will also be learning more about cooking in the field. The modern fishing guides need to fish sustainable so an fishery biology and management course will be included. Entrepreneurship is also important för a fishing guide buisness so this will go as a red thread through the entire education.
In other words, when you are finish with the program you will be ready to start your own guiding career.
Core courses:
- Different fishing methods
- Fisheries biology
- Real guide assignments (work-based learning)
- Camp life in the wilderness
- Safety and water rescue
- Tourism and the business of guiding
- Marketing
- Outdoor cooking
- Entrepreneurship
Student accommodation:
As a student we offer you to rent an apartment in a collective where you live during the program period. The cost of rental accomodation is approximately SEK 4000 per month.
Course fee
Tuition is free of charge. Course fee SEK 12,000 goes to transportation costs, study trips, loan of certain teaching materials and certain outdoor- and fishingmaterials , student insurance for all school activites and internship-based education (student insurance does not apply to the distance learning module that can be carried out from home or homeland).
Application and student selection process
The school will look at the following points when selecting for the education:
- You are a serious angler who really wants to learn more and develop your hobby into a possible professional career. Your interest and motivation is an important factor in selection. The school will look closely at your personal letter and goals.
- Previous experience in fishing is an advantage for selection.
- Work/professional experience may be relevant to the application.
- The school may contact you for an in-depth interview.
- Limited number of attendees 15 students.
Other requirements
To be able to start the course it is required that you have a basic outdoor- and fishing equipment. The list below may be revised, for more information and updates visit the course website:
- Hiking boots
- Large backpack
- Waders
- Fishing rods (reel and fly rod)
- Sleeping bag (three - four seasons is preferable)
- Sleeping pad (with good insulation)
- Suitable clothing for outdoor life
- Headlamp
Before you apply please visit our website and read more about Your rights at folk high school. Information can be found under the tab: Skola och studier – Elevinformation – Dina rättigheter på folkhögskola